Saturday, June 16, 2012


Welcome, welcome! 

What a great time in my life to start a project like this. I just celebrated my 20th birthday, I'm moving in to my first apartment in August, and I'm unemployed for the summer. Because I have so much free time, I decided to help my parents with a few projects around the house, and throw in some fun ones for myself along the way. So here I will be posting my various summer projects and crafts to share with the.. internet. Seems a little silly if no one is reading it, but hey, you have to start somewhere, right?

As for the name of this blog, June is my middle name. I was named after my Grandmother. I take a lot of pride in this because out of her twenty-something grandchildren, I was the only one lucky enough to be given her name. It makes a lot of sense, after all. Our birthdays are two days apart, mine is the 12th (of June of course) and hers, the 14th.

June has always been my favorite month of the year. It's sad that its halfway over already, but I think I've taken advantage of it's warm days so far. June is the perfect month because May is still a little too breezy, but July is too humid. June is the middle-ground of summer; a perfect balance.


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