Monday, June 18, 2012

Beach Time!

So, every year my boyfriend and his family take a trip down to Tybee Island for the week. Last year was my first year going with them and I was lucky enough to be invited back this year :)

Since I was no longer a Tybee rookie, I decided I should do a little something extra for this trip. My boyfriend asked me to decorate him a cooler, and I was so thrilled to take on the project. Typically cooler painting is a tradition for Sorority girls to do for their Frat daddies. And, since I'm not Greek, I never really thought I'd be able to partake in the fun. But all of that changed, and I'm super proud of how awesome it turned out.

I took me about a week and a half to paint each of the sides with something personal, but it was so worth the time and effort! I picked out his favorite sports teams and alcoholic drinks to put on it. If you ever want to make one yourself, make sure you use acrylic paint, and try to get a flat top cooler. They're much easier to work with. Check out how mine turned out! :)

I'd be glad to add more detail about how awesome I made this look (a lot of patience and stencil work) but for now I have to go enjoy my first day out on the beach!


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