Wednesday, October 3, 2012

It's October?!

I can't believe how neglectful I've been to my newborn blog. Moving in to a new apartment is a lot of work, but what's even more frustrating is how expensive all of the cute things I want for it are. Good thing craftiness is in my blood, or I may be bankrupt.

My first blog of the month is going to be my fabulous DIY headboard. I used four sliding closet doors that my parents didn't need anymore, some wood stain that I had from other projects and then bought a $30 metal artwork piece from Garden Ridge to complete it. The hardest thing about this project is waiting for the stain to dry. 

If you don't have these types of doors, you can always go junk hunting at yard sales or ask neighbors and friends. Upcycling, its the way to go! A word of caution though; if you've never stained wood before, its pretty messy. I got splatters all over me and I looked like a dalmatian for days. That being said, I'm so excited for fall because I have a ton of cute decorating ideas to share. Stay tuned!!


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